
Spicy Garlic Butter Shrimp

Spicy Garlic Butter Shrimp

I admit. I don’t often eat shrimp due to the limited availability of quality wild-caught sources. But, every once in a while, I still get a craving for this little crustacean, and it’s a welcome change from other protein sources, as long as it’s clean! Lol. It’s unfortunate that even […]

Low-Carb Chicken Fajitas

Low-Carb Chicken Fajitas

I had the best fajitas ever in the Yucatan, Mexico, in the city of Merida to be exact. They were so flavorful with plenty of cilantro, and everything about it seemed to hit the spot. The bell peppers and onions had a slight crunch. The tortillas were oh so good […]

Low-Carb Beef Stew

Low-Carb Slow Cooker Beef Stew

BURRR… I think it’s time for some beef stew! Is it me, or has the weather been a little weird this year or two? It’s hot, and then it’s cold. I’m not complaining. My family lives inland to the beach areas of San Diego, so it can get rather hawt […]

Low-Carb Chicken Tikka

Low-Carb Chicken Tikka Masala

Can you smell the Chicken Tikka, as the aroma of the spices permeate through the air upon finishing on the stovetop? And the smell of fresh-baked naan, lightly covered in butter or ghee? Even if you’re eating low carb, these too shall be yours for enjoyment! The smell of Indian […]