Tag: low-carb dinner

Low-Carb Kung Pao Chicken

Low-Carb Kung Pao Chicken

If you’re like me, a good Chinese Kung Pao Chicken always hits the spot! I think its the savory sauce and crunchy texture of the peanuts that get me every time! Not to mention, I’ve always had a love for entrees that serve up a variety of vegetables, anyway. (Note: […]

Low-Carb Chicken Tikka

Low-Carb Chicken Tikka Masala

Can you smell the Chicken Tikka, as the aroma of the spices permeate through the air upon finishing on the stovetop? And the smell of fresh-baked naan, lightly covered in butter or ghee? Even if you’re eating low carb, these too shall be yours for enjoyment! The smell of Indian […]